There are so many things that people believe as being true when they are just myths in regards to heart disease. Unfortunately, we always trust friends and family members so we do not question the information they give us. As a result, we can so easily end up believing that something false is true. Ian Weisberg MD mentions some of the heart disease myths that you need to stop believing as they can get you killed below.
Cholesterol Levels Only Need To Be Checked When Older
According to AHA (American Heart Association), you need to check your cholesterol every five years. This should start when you reach 20 years. Actually, it is even a good idea to start doing these tests earlier in the event that family history features heart disease. This is due to the fact that children with high cholesterol levels in such families are at higher heart disease development risks when reaching adulthood.
Heart Failure Means Your Heart No Longer Beats
It is cardiac arrest when the heart no longer beats, out of a sudden. It is not heart failure. What we refer to heart failure is actually the situation when your heart still works. However, blood is not pumped as it should be pumped. Heart failure causes ankle swelling, feet swelling, persistent wheezing and shortness of breath. If faced with a cardiac arrest, normal breathing is stopped and you lose consciousness.
Leg Pain Is Just A Sign Of Aging
You have to be aware of the fact that when you feel pain in your leg and you do not know why, it can be due to peripheral artery disease, PAD for short. PAD appears when arteries present in your legs end up blocked. Plaque builds up and stroke or heart attack risks are automatically increased.
The Heart Beats Fast During A Heart Attack
It is normal to experience heart rate variations. The heart rate can easily speed up a lot more than you think as you exercise or when you are simply excited. Also, your heart rate can easily slow down in the event that you are sleeping. In most cases, heartbeat changes are just nothing you should worry about. However, in other cases, it can be a clear sign you are suffering from arrhythmia, which practically means irregular or abnormal heartbeat. The good news is that most arrhythmias are nothing to worry about. The bad news is that some are life-threatening. If you find yourself dealing with fast heart beats more often than normal, go to the doctor.
Exercise Needs To be Avoided After Heart Attacks
The exact opposite is true in this case. It is important to start moving again, with the help of a plan that was designed by a professional. The heart attack survivors that often work out and are physically active, together with making important heart-healthy changes, are much more likely to live a long, healthy life. If you suffer from a chronic condition, moderate-intensity exercising is beneficial and safe. The AHA recommends at least 3 hours of moderate physical activity every single week.